David Carrier, Music Director Emeritus

Carrier_Casual_V2_2019.jpegThe close of our 2021 - 2022 season also ended an era, as we wished a very fond farewell to our music director of 43 years, David Carrier. After his long tenure, we are delighted that David will remain affiliated with us.
David guided us through the very early years when, as the Newton Choral Society, all we could afford were concerts with piano or organ accompaniment. From those humble beginnings, and with David’s always growing vision for what we could be as singers, we grew and matured. Maturation was reflected in the music we performed and in our ability to raise the funds needed for hiring professional musicians to perform with us and to perform in venues that early-on were only a fantasy. As the scope of our programming grew so did the quality of our performances. Increasingly our membership was from well beyond Newton, reflecting our reputation as one of the best amateur choral groups in the greater Boston area. Ultimately we changed our name to Commonwealth Chorale.
Without David’s guidance, vision, musical talent, teaching skills, patience, and perseverance, Commonwealth Chorale would not be the group it is today. David’s work created the excellent musical foundation on which we continue to build. Thank you, David!